Monday, August 13, 2012

Power out

What an adventure yesterday evening was. Whew! We had to go get a power cord from Fry's for our $5 computer (awesome, huh?!). When we got home about 5, it was storming like crazy. Thunder and lighting and super high winds.  About 5 minutes after we got home, the power went out. No biggie, right? It goes out all the time, so I thought I would give it 10 minutes or so, and it would be back on. WRONG. Even though it was storming and raining outside, it was still 95 degrees. It got hot in our house, quick. By 8, we couldn't take it anymore, and decided to go to Walmart. Hindsights 20/20....we thought we would get our grocery shopping for the week done, and by the time we got home the power would be back on. WRONG again. Here we were, with $150 worth of groceries and no power to the fridge! By this time, its 9:30. We decided to go get some ice and fill up the ice chests with our perishable foods. We ended up going to Taco Bell (ew, I know) to eat and waste some time. We drove back by the house about 10:30 and no power still!! We were not prepared for this, at all. So, back to Walmart we go! We got candles and flashlights. The boys were literally begging to go to a hotel, because they were 'scared.' Well, we ended up having a blast!! We moved a twin mattress of the boys into our room, brought the lego box in and played legos in candlelight :D Then, we decided to call it a night, but we let the boys have flashlight wars first. They loved it!
Gods blessings in disguise.

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