Sunday, August 12, 2012

2012-2013 Curriculum

Our first official year of school at home is in effect! We are so excited! I feel like God has blessed our family and put this in our hearts, because it is His plan. I will have a 4th grader, Brendan, a 1st grader, Bradley, & a k4, Brady Paul.  Because they all have strengths and weaknesses, we have decided to not buy a 'boxed' curriculum this year, and just go with what God has lead us to. We will do some subjects together, and some separate. We plan on schooling from 9:30-2:30, though our days will surely not be on a strict schedule. If we are having a fun time learning, we will do school until our little hearts are done...and if we are having a not-so-educational day, we will just pick up the next morning with no sweat!

Here is the loot for 2012-2013 school year:

This is curriculum, chapter books, first readers, supplies, games, incentives and much more! 

The subjects we will learn together:

History-Story of the World Volume 1

Science-Unit Studies
We have lots of things to study and experiment as far as science. We are doing a child led approach on this subject, because I have some boys who just love this kind of stuff! Semester one we will be doing a bunch of boy things like: sea life, insects, amphibians, solar system, dinosaurs, sharks, rainforest, and much more!  We plan to do science 2 times a week, as well as add our unit subjects to other areas of our school day.

Art-Mom's curriculum ;)  We did not buy a curriculum for art either, but we made one ourselves. We have lots of books on arts and crafts and plan to just make this a *fun* experience! They will have art class 2 times a week, but are free to do art anytime their little hearts desire. We have so many art supplies that they can use!

Bible-Our Father's World, Creation series, as well as a scripture a week that is in Spelling curriculum.


Music- Dad's curriculum ;) My musician husband is taking over this coarse, and he will use our keyboard, guitars, xylophone, and practice drum set, as well as lots of music books to teach them to properly read and play music. The boys are super excited about this subject, and so is Daddy! 3 boys will be using this awesome site for supplementing! 3 boys will be using this awesome site for supplementing! 3 boys will be using this awesome site for supplementing!

P.E.- Agape Co-op, soccer & baseball, and classes at The Y.

4th Grade Subjects

Spelling-Bob Jones Spelling 4
I love this! He has a scripture a week, a journal entry idea each week, as well as awesome spelling words and activities!

Reading-*Lots* of reading! Read aloud, read to self, and book reports! I also bought some Scholastic reading comprehension workbooks.

Writing-Brendan did very good at learning cursive in 3rd grade, so we will just be journaling twice a week to practice and improve his writing.  


Math-Saxon 5/4

1st Grade Subjects

Spelling-Bob Jones Spelling 1
I love this! He has a scripture a week, a journal entry idea each week, as well as awesome spelling words and activities!

Reading-We have *tons* of first readers Level 1,2 & 3
Bradley loves reading! He will also be involved in our read aloud time and will write and draw pictures on our real aloud stories.

Writing-Handwriting without Tears
This program worked awesome with my older boy, so we will use it to polish Bradley's handwriting skills.



Kinder 4

We have decided that Brady Paul is ready for most kindergarten work, but since he is only 4, we did not get him a set curriculum. Instead we will be doing lots of activity books, hands on learning and workbooks. Most of this stuff came from Mardel, Scholastic, and Half Price Books.  He is writing very well, and he can recognize sight words. 

Well, there you have it! I am 100% certain that I have left some things out, because during this post I have got pulled away from the computer 1,027 times. 

Comment, and go see what everyone else is doing for curriculum at the Not Back to School Blog Hop!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is a ton of stuff! Looks like the kids will have a busy (yet fun) year! What made you decide to home school?
